It is only through our vigilant hiring, training and supervision of in-home caregivers that we obtain high-quality care. These three fundamental processes make an unquestionable difference in the home care experience.
Well-trained, prepared caregivers are essential for safe living at home. Every caregiver we place in a home understands the following:
Many older adults wait until they’ve had a health emergency before they accept help. Families often call us during stressful life events when decisions are necessary, but roadblocks and misunderstandings arise. Our solutions rely on sensitivity, strategy, and patience.
Families should speak with Care Managers when things are going well to figure out a game plan for when things don’t go well.
The most successful caregivers are caring, thoroughly trained, and experienced, preferably as a Certified Nursing Assistant, Licensed Vocational Nurse or someone with similar education. A willingness to help others is a must.
Care Managers fill the gaps between the doctors, the hospital, the family, and the patient. They make sure everyone is on the same page.
We visit during the hospitalization and work closely with hospital case managers and discharge planners on a stress-free return to life at home. We also talk through issues with family on how they can best support a loved one who was recently hospitalized.
Home is where the majority of people prefer to recover if possible. We coordinate services and equipment to make things easier for a discharge to home. This ranges from physical or occupational therapy, speech therapy, and wound care, to in-home caregivers. We also schedule and attend follow up appointments with physicians.
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