Next time you have a doctor’s appointment, you might want to have a qualified healthcare professional join you.
According to research by M. Barton Laws at Brown University, people recall less than half of what is communicated by their physician during regular medical appointments. The research also demonstrated that “verbal dominance” of a physician can have an impact on patient memory. It seems that the more a physician talks, the less the patient remembers.
The authors suggests a variety of reasons for why important details are somehow forgotten or not brought up. People feel stressed just being in a clinic or sitting in a waiting room. When physicians communicate unexpected information, such as a new diagnosis or lab result, people feel additional anxiety, making it difficult to process what is said. Should the physician suggest a change in lifestyle that is inconvenient or unwelcome (“Eat more vegetables”), patients simply forget what they don’t want to hear.
The solution to a better understanding of physician orders after your next appointment is at hand. Have a Nurse Care Managers sit in. Not only will they hear what is recommended, they will advocate for you or even suggest a second opinion if warranted. Part teacher and coach, Nurses can translate medical terms and clarify what steps need to be followed for your continued good health. A professional, caring presence can maintain a positive mood even in trying situations.